Anway, Josie at With a Wink and a Smile has inspired me/reminded me that I neeeed to get rainboots. Obviously since it rains/hails at tennis practice. :) Here's the link to her inspirational post. :) Thanks Josie!
I'm thinking abotu getting these ones. I'm not in love with the color but I like the girly feel it has. I don't know. The only time I get to wear rainboots is on wet, dreary days. So I think its cute when girls wear super adorable, super cheery rainboots. Its the juxtaposition, I think. :)
These are called Allison Floral Rain Boots. The price isn't too bad. And considering where I live, I will get to wear these year round. :) So this will be money well spent! :)
Started reading Nicholas Sparks' book, The Choice
But I seriously want it back soon. How else will I find out what happens to Ronnie and Will? I mean, I could go see the movie but I really want to read the book first. My friend says that she listened to The Last Song's soundtrack
She said that she cried a ton and I hope I cry too! Sometimes you just want to cry. Oh, but I will be going to go see The Last Song soon! Yay! As soon as I finish the book. Hint, hint Jenny...
Don't forget to check out my giveaway! Who doesn't love a free tote? Crazy people, that's who! And it's the last day you can enter. :)
Has anyone seen The Last Song? Should I spend my ten dollars to see this movie because if not, I'll just stay home. :) Comment. Comment. Go and Comment! :)