Jessica Alba
Happy Fourth!! :D Jessica looks almost perfect for Independence Day. She isn't decked out in an American Flag but I would wear that outfit. :) I'm actually wearing something really similar. But its a striped top and a solid blue skirt.
My friend, she's an exchange student from Spain, got American flags on her nails. I loved it! :) It's not something I would do but it was so her. She's so fearless in her style chioces and she has this ability to make her choices look completely classy and chic rather than trashy. I'm a little jealous.
I don't really have anything specific that I'm going to talk about but I thought I'd just sit down and something would hit me. I hope this works.
I just started reading Tori Spelling's new book, Uncharted TerrTori
. I love reading her books because she's funny and she's not afraid to poke fun at herself and her situation. She writes the way she talks. And its a really quick read. I have read her other two books and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
If you're looking for a funny, leisure read then head to the library and check out her books. I can't recommend them more. Honestly. :) They're amazing.
I was playing tennis yesterday and I rubbed through my tennis shoes. I actually rubbed a hole in my sock. :) I desperately need to get new ones but I just don't have time. I've never worn through shoes this quickly. I got them two/three months ago. It took me two years to kill my converse.
Oh, and I was also wondering. Has anyone seen Toy Story 3? I really want to see it. I love Pixar movies. Up was amazing! But I'm just wondering how good was Toy Story? Thumbs up? Down? Comment below!
A haul will be up tomorrow or Monday. I promise! :) It's from a while ago. So I'll also be able to talk about my thoughts on the products. Whether I think they're worth the money or not. Oh, and my June favorites will be up soon. Again, I promise. :) What're your plans for the 4th?