Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Product Rave!

I'm coming to you guys with a prodcut rave. I don't think I've ever done one of these. Maybe this is because I've never found a product that I like this much! I adore it. Adore!!

Okay, I've left all of you in suspense long enough. Drum roll please. I have fallen in love with the Brush Guard. I put them on right after I wash my brushes and I honestly feel like they make my brushes feel like new. So soft. So clean. So amazing!

The bristles don't fray. And I honestly think they are well worth the investment. My sister picked them up from the post office about three weeks ago...I think. [sorry, my memory is starting to go.]

And to be honest I was a little hesitant to use them. I mean, I just didn't think they would work as well as they did. But she was so excited about this product and her excitment was extremely infectious.

But I am humble enough to say "I was wrong. Very wrong."

I have two of the variety pack [meaning you get one XSmall, two Small, two Medium, and one Large]. There are enough brush guards to give one to each of my Sigma brushes and the other random brushes that I use. :)

They do ship internationally and to Canada but there is an extra charge. I don't do product raves very often but when I do them, I talk about products I honestly believe in. And when I travel to my grandma's there is no way I'm leaving without these bad boys.

Brushes [good quality brushes, not those little spounge applicator you get in your drug store eye shadow] are a huge investment. They cost hundreds of dollars. This is a quick, relatively cheap way to make sure that investment lasts as long as possible. I just washed my brushes and here's a picture of what Brush Guards look like in action!

[my brushes in their pretty, little Brush Guard cacoon! So cute.]
Bye! I know this was a quick post but I have to start packing. I think I might take you guys along with me on my trip! So excited. :D

FTC: The Brush Guard was sent to me for review pruposes. I am not being compensated. I have no affliation with this company. The Sigma brushes were also sent to me for review purposes. The rest of the brushes were purchsed with my own money. All opinions are my own. :)