Hot steals under ten dollars! Just a look at the adorable things that a ten dollar bill can buy in this crazy world. They're all sooo cute! :) Enjoy!
L: Elastic Band Swing Skirt ($9.50) R: Fab Skinny Ankle Jeans ($9.50)
L: Basic Cotton Mini Pocket Cardigan ($9.80) R: Sweet Romance Umbrella ($5.50)
Just sitting and chilling since its Spring Break! Enjoying a Tori and Dean
marathon. :) This show is just sooo funny. Tori's hilarious. I read her book Mommywood
on my flight this summer and it made me smile. I even wrote a blog post about the book! It was that good. I have her book sTori Telling
on my bedside but I just haven't gotten around to reading it.
This show is so funny. I mean Tori, after all, is a self professed Queen of the Gays. Who doesn't love a show with Guncles (Gay Uncles) and Gay Husbands. :) Season five is going to premiere on Oxygen soon. I'm not quite sure when but its soon. If you know please comment below. :)
Peace out! Going to continue watching my marathon. :) Comment and Follow!