Today I have the incredible honor of posting a quick interview I got to do with Janet Evanovich. Yes, New York Times best-selling author, Janet Evanovich. Most people know her as the author of the wildly popular Stephanie Plum series which is being made into a movie featuring Katherine Heigl. Today we talked about fashion, Cheez Doodles, and favorite funny moments. Enjoy!
How do you create stories that have me and the rest of your loyal audience literally laughing out loud at Stephanie Plum's antics?
I guess I'm a little twisted. It helps to have characters so out there that no matter how outrageous the story line, it seems to make sense for them to be in it up to their eyeballs.
Production is going to start on the new Stephanie Plum movie soon. What was your reaction to hearing that Katherine Heigl has agreed to play your iconic character?
Actually, the movie was filmed last summer and it's in post production now. I sold the movie rights something like 18 years ago, so it's really been out of my hands. I liked Heigl in 27 Dresses.
Anything you can us about the upcoming Stephanie Plum novel? Are there any plans for the series to come to an end? Please tell us no!
First of all, there's no plan to end the series any time soon. I don't want to give too much away about Smokin' Seventeen other than to say that a man from Stephanie's past comes back to town.
What is something we would be surprised to know about your life as a Best Selling Author?
I work in my sweats and get orange Cheez Doodle dust on my keyboard.
I know this might be a tough question but what is your favorite Stephanie Plum moment? Funny or serious?
Gosh, there have been so many. A good one was in Sizzling Sixteen when she and Lula allowed all the cattle to escape from the meat company. I like the funny moments.
And as this is a fashion blog, do you consider yourself a fashionista? How would you describe your style?
I don't think I have a style. Mostly I'm in jeans and a t-shirt. Although I do enjoy dressing the jeans and t-shirt up with a pair of gold Chanel flats.
Thanks for reading. Check out Janet Evanovich's website for more information. Also look out for my review of Evanovich's book, Twelve Sharp
on my second blog. Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow!